7 Takeaways on What the Experts Say to Get More Fans on Facebook

Organic FB Article

I was reading a wonderful article Melonie Dodaro from Top Dog Social Media on what 10 experts had to say about growing your Facebook posts having an organic (reaching more people with no Facebook ads) reach. You can read the article here: Click here to read the article

I’m always up for reading the latest industry news but this one really had me intrigued. It’s seems like EVERYONE is talking about Facebook ads nowadays, no one stops to think about the non-paid ways to reach customers on Facebook. 

So for those of you who think you have to do Facebook ads all the time to get new likes: listen up! It’s definitely good to use Facebook ads (don’t get me wrong) but I think too many people are caught up in the face that they think that’s all they have to do to get results on Facebook. And that’s not true. 

I loved this article (you will too!) so I thought I’d share my top 7 takeaways. Comment below and let me know if you agree! Here we go… Continue reading

Where Is Your Social Media Taking You?


Lisa Sasevich and me at her Event Profit Secrets event in Spring 2014

Last week, I attended Lisa Sasevich’s Event Profit Secrets event in San Diego. I had a great time meeting new people and getting feedback for possible event ideas. With 120 people at this 2-day event, the collective brain was at work! I love this photo of Lisa and me because my vision is to grow my live event, be an event host, and speak on bigger stages!

I have a hard time envisioning what my definition of success can be, so I take photos or write it down so that it is right in front of me. That’s why it is great to have someone outside of your business to give you feedback on what you are trying to accomplish. Continue reading