An Unlikely Social Media Surprise!

Heidi-and-Me---Blog-PostThis is my new friend Heidi Clifton. I met Heidi at the NAPW (National Association of Professional Women) Honolulu meeting a while back. I saw her at last month’s meeting because I wanted to run an idea past her. I was really excited about it because Heidi seemed like the ideal person for my new project! Continue reading

What Were YOU Afraid Of?


A ride at a fair that I had never rode before. It took a lot of courage to get on!

Even though I love speaking, something about hosting a webinar is very scary to me. One would think that since I am a speaker, that webinars would be easier. It’s like talking to yourself without all the people staring at you right?

At first, I thought it was because I can’t physically see my audience when I’m on a webinar. With speaking, I can feed off of the energy of my audience and they can SEE me! As I thought about it and thought about it, I finally realized why hosting a webinar was so terrifying to me. I was scared because it was something that I had never done before. Continue reading