3 Tips on How To Break the Ice

It’s happened to you at least once in your business lifetime. You’re at the company picnic, at a networking event, or at your industry’s national convention surrounded by people you don’t know. All around you there are streams of conversation that sound inviting. Yet, you’re tongue-tied and can’t seem to speak. Sound familiar?

Breaking the ice and entering into a conversation can seem daunting or intimidating. This is especially true if you’re shy or an introvert. Here are a few ways to break the ice at networking events, company meetings, or at that big industry trade show. Continue reading

3 More Ways to Get More Business at Networking Events

After reading a great article from Ivan Misner on business networking, I realized how important networking is to my business. I aim to attend two networking events a week or meet five new people a week. Networking is one of the effective ways of getting the word out about your company and gaining credibility. Here are some additional ways to get more business at networking events. Continue reading