Keep Your Leads Warm…Incubate!

Do you have a system that keeps your leads warm for conversion? You should have one. When you encounter prospects, they are not always in the position to buy from you. They will need your services in the future, so incubate them. Keep them warm by staying top of mind. You want them to think of you when they are ready to buy. Continue reading

Are Your Personal Relationships Affecting Your Brand?

As a business owner, sometimes it is hard to distinguish the line of a personal and professional relationship. As a solopreneur, the line becomes blurred as you are the face of your brand. With your personal and professional tone closely linked, it is essential that you treat your relationships with care.

Keep in mind that your actions and words can be used against you and your business. How do I know this? I’ve seen business owners make this mistake too many times. One conflict puts a stain on their personal and professional reputation and their business suffers because of a misunderstanding and lack of apology. Continue reading