Many companies and organizations and event planners have a challenge of communicating with one another. Lack of communication can come as early when the organization or company hire an event planner to take on their event. This can quickly spiral into ambiguous expectations and confusion about the planning process. Whether you are the head of the organization hosting the event or the event planner, here are some items to be crystal clear about:
1. Fees & Profits
As touchy as this subject is, the event planner’s fee needs to be agreed on and not assumed. The company or organization also needs to determine how much profit should be made during the event. This gives the event planner parameters and a goal to reach. If the event planner’s fee is non-negotiable, maybe some services can be negotiated. Both parties need to be clear and concise about their fees and profits, services provided, and expectations of one another.
2. Event Budget
Agreeing on the budget of the event is imperative. The event budget should cover all costs such as marketing, the event planner’s fee, planned profit for the company, and the overall profit of the event. It should also include all revenue streams such as admission to the event, event t-shirts, and vendor fees. This allows both the organization and the event planner to clearly see the blueprint of the event and that the financial goals and objectives are clearly written down.
3. Responsibilities
What are your responsibilities as an organization for the event? What is the event planner in charge of? Are you handing the complete event over to the event planner? Is the event planner’s sole responsibility the marketing of the event? Knowing what each party is responsible for causes less confusion in the beginning and throughout the event planning process. Both parties need to agree on who is responsible for each facet of the event before the planning should begin. This ensures a smooth process and successful event. Communication is the key.
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