3 Ways to Get More Leads From Facebook

One of the biggest social media mysteries is Facebook. Facebook changes more than the judges on American Idol, which makes it hard to keep up with. Why should we keep up with what Facebook is doing anyway? With over 1 billion people on Facebook, your potential customer is out there. Can you afford to not pay attention? This potential alone can be sky’s the limit for most business owners.

Let’s also think about how social Facebook is. How many people do you know check Facebook on a daily basis from their smartphone? Gone is the time that people had to rush home to check Facebook. Now you can reach customers on their smartphone!

So, how can you use Facebook to capture those leads? Here’s 3 ways to keep the leads coming…

1. Be you and have fun with it
The last thing people want to read about on Facebook is the new house that their real estate friend is selling or the new product you’re launching. Think about you if you were the customer: wouldn’t you get tired of hearing about houses, services, and products all the time? Plan some Facebook posts that are fun and that are genuinely “you”. People like your page because they like you and want to develop a relationship with YOU!

What I mean by this is ask questions, share a video or quote, tell a success story.  Even better, put a spin on it so that you can get answers that will help your business. A great example is one of my real estate clients asked her fans on Facebook how old were they when they bought their first home. Not only did she get great leads from the people who replied “Not yet” but also a good idea of when people purchase their first home.

2. Where are you driving traffic?
You want more leads from Facebook and you have fans but what are you doing with them? Getting fans to like your Facebook page is half the battle. You have to move them to an opt-in list/drip campaign, freebie, or low cost item. The purpose of your Facebook page should be the starting point of the relationship. This is how they meet you. It’s up to you to develop and nurture the relationship.

3. Facebook Ads
I know, I know. We’ve all heard horror stories about Facebook Ads. When an ad campaign on Facebook is done the right way, it can create MASSIVE traffic for your business and increase leads. The key to Facebook Ads is to know your audience and who you want to target. Do some research and even ask (remember Tip #1?) your fans some questions to get a better idea of what your audience is like. If you find that your target audience is female, between the ages of 35-44, business professionals, and are fans of the show “Shark Tank”, you have something. Use those characteristics about your ideal clients and target those people in your Facebook Ads.

What marketing tactics works best for you on Facebook? Let us know by leaving us a comment!

Photo: Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

12 thoughts on “3 Ways to Get More Leads From Facebook

  1. I completely agree with Tea’s comment….. yes, people sometimes forget that this is about PEOPLE… who are interested in connecting with you. Love the tips! 🙂 H.

  2. Great tips! I find that asking my Facebook fans to post something about themselves has been most successful.

    This was also a very timely reminder to use my free Facebook ad credits before they expire!

    • Great idea Summer! I’m glad I could remind you. That’s a great idea about having your fans post something about themselves. Thanks for leaving a tip!

  3. Kim: Being “you” is hard because there seems to be not enough hours in the day to be “you”! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hi Kristen,

    Thanks for these so simple and so relevant and so easy tips!

    For me, the be yourself and have fun is the most vital point – I want EVERYTHING I do in my marketing and business to be joyous and rewarding and if I have to slog it out or groan every time I think of posting on facebook… it’s not going to be very rewarding or fulfilling for me or my clients.

    Thank you for sharing, Kristen!


    • Thanks for stopping by Susan. I think most business owners think so much of what to say on Facebook, that they forget that being “you” is what their customers want.

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