7 Ways To Use LinkedIn To Get More Speaking Engagements

Chaminade University Alumni Weekend

Me with the President of Chaminade University and the Director of Career Development. My husband came too!

I have a secret to tell you! I recently had my FIRST paid speaking engagement! I’m still on Cloud Nine from it all. I never thought that a university in my own backyard would ask me to speak at one of their functions. It started when I first arrived! They had “Reserved Parking” for me. I know, not really a big deal-right? But it made me feel really special. I was even recognized as a VIP at the reception afterwards and got my picture with the President!

How did this come about? Well, a client and colleague introduced me to someone and they referred me to the department putting on the event. To be truthful,  the real magic came from LinkedIn. The person planning the event was impressed by my LinkedIn recommendations and the endorsements I had for Social Media, Facebook, and other social media related topics. Continue reading