Today, I did my 50th broadcast on Periscope! Yeah! I’m really surprised that it only took me about 2 months to get there (Remember, my one word theme for this year? Check it out at this blog post: Click here). After pressing the red “Broadcast” button on Periscope over 50 times, I’ve learned a lot of things about Periscope. Here’s the thing: I didn’t want to take a fancy course on Periscope and I know myself. If I took a course, I would spend all of my time tweaking and trying to perfect my scopes. My goal was to just get going and I figured I’d learn some things as I went. Boy, did I! So after 50 scopes on Periscope, here’s the 5 things I wish I knew… Continue reading
5 Things I Wish I Knew About Periscope