MWIB Radio 026: Plugging time leaks with Rosie Aiello

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Award winning entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, and founder of ClearVista Consulting International, Rosie Aiello champions female entrepreneurs and professionals to realize their dreams and vision with clarity and focus. She loves defeating productivity black holes and small business overwhelm. With her proven programs, Rosie empowers her clients to organize and value their time, resulting in higher profits, less stress, and more freedom to enjoy fulfilling lives. Continue reading

MWIB Radio 025: Say “No!” and Be Focused With Heather Lehman

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Heather Sayers Lehman has mastered the art of overcoming. Heather left a childhood home of drug addiction, public assistance and chaos during her senior year of high school. In her 30s, she created a series of epic disasters and decided it was time to get her “stuff” together! She became the hero of her own story and began mentoring others on overcoming. Heather created a business to help busy mothers stop people pleasing, feeling guilty and playing small AKA getting your “stuff” together! Continue reading