Call In “The Specialist”!

With the current state of the economy, everyone is scrambling to save a couple of dollars, and that’s ok. However, sometimes you have to call in “the specialist”. This was a lesson I learned trying to do my hair.

My hair is very curly and when I am going out or want to shine at an event, I’ll straighten it. I had a big event coming up: I was getting inducted into my college’s track hall of fame and I really wanted to look nice. I decided to straighten my hair before I got on the plane and then I could relax with my family that night. Continue reading

9 Intuitive Ways To Use Social Media For Your Business

Business owners think that there is some deep dark secret to uncover the mystery of social media success. Using social media for your business is actually intuitive (sorry, there is no social media fairy!).  The tasks a business owner performs on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis can be transferred online via social media and yes, it does help grow your business. Continue reading