Please Add Your Photo on LinkedIn!

Tell me if this has happened to you before…

As you check your e-mail, a LinkedIn invitation pops up. You log-in to your account to view the invitation only to find that the person has no photo and the message is the generic: “I’d like to add you to my professional network”. The name looks vaguely familiar but you’re not completely sure who this person is.

This happens more than people care to admit. You don’t want to ignore the person completely because you two do have a connection in common but there’s no information that can convince you otherwise. If you have not gotten your photo on LinkedIn yet, (maybe you’re waiting on that professional head shot) here are some things you can do to make it easier on the people you’re trying to connect with. Continue reading

The Power of Collaboration: Don’t Underestimate It!

What do a real estate agent, window treatment specialist, and a marketing consultant have in common? Probably nothing at a quick glance. Upon thinking about it for a while, you might come up with this: “the window treatment specialist puts window treatments in the home the real estate agent is selling and the marketing consultant is marketing the home the real estate agent is trying to sell”. That’s possible, but what really happened went beyond the scope of what the three of us imagined. Continue reading